The September issue of Photoshop User, the How-Two Magazine for Lightroom and Photoshop Users, is now available!
The latest issue of Photoshop User magazine is always available to read with a free KelbyOne membership. Plus and Pro members have access to more than 100 back issues! Click here to join today to start learning from some of the top instructors in the Photoshop, Lightroom, and photography industry.
In this issue, turn your portraits into magical storybook images that will have you and your clients flying high, plus editing in B&W in Lightroom for better light and color in your images, using a Photoshop Neural Filter and type for a before-and-after aging effect, adding smoke and fog to images, designing packaging in Photoshop, and so much more!
This issue’s cover image by KelbyOne member Jennifer Brinkman