PhotoshopTools Photoshop Layers Into Flash With PSD2FLA Generally low-wage labor is either easy but boring or difficult but fun. June 20, 2006 2
PhotoshopTools Pick a New Picker Put some spice into your Photoshop life and pick an alternate color picker! Did you know you could do that? June 20, 2006 5
PhotoshopTools Crop Tool Capers Configuring and using ALL of your crop tool’s capabilities can really speed up your work. June 20, 2006 1
PhotoshopTools Customizing Photoshop CS2 Menus Photoshop CS2 is, in my humble opinion, the most user-friendly version to date. June 20, 2006 0
PhotoshopTools Portrait Toning Adjustments Sometimes the lighting for an image is just a little bit off. Perhaps it’s unbalanced, or there’s a shadow June 20, 2006 0
PhotoshopTools Bleeds and Crop Marks from Photoshop Page layout programs, such as InDesign, and illustration programs, like Illustrator, can easily handle “bleeds” June 20, 2006 3
PhotoshopTools Printing Separations in Color It’s easy to see individual channels in color in Photoshop’s Channels palette June 20, 2006 4
PhotoshopTools Select Hair by Using Channels Selecting fly-away hair can be one of the toughest assignments in Photoshop. The Extract command can be helpful. June 20, 2006 24