Corey goes back a few decades in style and explains how to create this groovy text design.



  1. Bob 6 December, 2008 at 02:41 Reply

    Great tutorial,

    I always love your tutorials because your explanation on why you are using the tools, blending modes, filters, etc. is so clear and precise. Most tutorials made by people are just there art work with hardly any real explanation on why they are using the tools that they use to get to the finished piece of art. They just tell you to use this and that or set
    make this setting this and don’t tell you why.

    I always look forward to your weekly tutorial.

  2. phil miller 7 December, 2008 at 21:23 Reply

    That was great! Now I just have to figure out how to use that in some of my work. Every time I see the warp function in action I realize I need to upgrade from PS 7 🙁

  3. Michaela 9 December, 2008 at 03:14 Reply

    Thank you so much for this great tutorial! It’s – like the others – very useful and easy to understand.

    Greetings from Berlin, Germany!

  4. WOWDezign 9 December, 2008 at 10:17 Reply

    Once again Corey, a great tutorial. Like Bob mentioned your teaching is superior to most because you help me to understand techniques rather than just do them. You teach principles rather than giving recipes.

  5. Rob 9 December, 2008 at 13:37 Reply

    Love the look. Every time I try to load the text as a workpath PS tells me it can’t because the type layer uses a faux bold style. Ant suggestions? I’m using CS4.

  6. Geissler 9 December, 2008 at 13:48 Reply

    Damn Corey .. I’ve been watching a load of your tutorials over and over again, and can’t find one thing to complain about .. thanks

  7. Will Person 19 December, 2008 at 17:19 Reply


    Thanks for the great tutorial. I have been fiddling around with an idea just like this one for awhile now to come up with a new logo for the band I play in and I followed your tutorial almost to a T! I hadn’t found the right font either until now.


    Here is a link to the logo for my band I put together ifyou want to take a look.

  8. mike 11 February, 2009 at 22:06 Reply

    Great tutorials you do. i love everyone one of them! Just i am having a problem with this one. When your suppose to the SHIFT+DEL to do the 50% grey. I get a bos that sais “could not complete the cut cause selected area is empty” what does this mean?

    I am using CS4 on a PC not a MAC

  9. judee 16 February, 2009 at 02:04 Reply

    Trying to do the contest for 2/18 — have everything done except the text, I’m having a problem in that I don’t seem to have the create smart object option… I’m using CS2 – Photoshop ver9 — under layer/smart objects the only option is ‘group into new smart object’ — not sure why ‘group’ is the option since I only have one layer highlighted… and when I use that and go into filters for the noise, it tells me I can’t do that without rasterizing the layer which defeats the purpose. I also do not or cannot find the ‘convert to smart filter’ option under filters… any help asap would be greatly appreciated… I could possibly mickey mouse my way to achieving the rest of the effects, but would like to stick to the tutorial… Thanks!!!

  10. Leraje 17 February, 2009 at 14:14 Reply

    Great Vid bro, learn’t alot.
    Thank You.
    Quick question….I want to change the back-ground colour of CS4?
    TIA 🙂

  11. Gece 25 June, 2009 at 16:09 Reply

    Just a quick question. When applying effects to text on a layer text using the blending options how do you prevent the effect from effecting the other text layers below?

  12. sudhan 23 March, 2010 at 17:33 Reply

    Corey man thanks a lot for this tutorial. I watch your other tutorials as well and man I have to say nobody does the tutorials better than you.

    You take the time to explain it in depth and the best thing is that you also add extra stuff such as the stars on this tutorial and the layer effect, drop shadows etc. You give more than what the users wants….which is what we like so much about your tutorials.

    Once again thanks a lot for this tutorial.

  13. Alejandro 9 July, 2010 at 17:36 Reply

    Corey, amigo tus tutoriales son excelentes, hasta para los que hablamos español.
    Gracias por compartir todos tus secretos y conocimientos.

  14. TouMani 5 December, 2010 at 09:42 Reply

    Hy Corey! Thanks a lot for this tutorial. But I’ve got the same problem like Judee mentioned aboved(Feb 2009). Quote:
    “Trying to do the contest for 2/18 — have everything done except the text, I’m having a problem in that I don’t seem to have the create smart object option… I’m using CS2 – Photoshop ver9 — under layer/smart objects the only option is ‘group into new smart object’ — not sure why ‘group’ is the option since I only have one layer highlighted… and when I use that and go into filters for the noise, it tells me I can’t do that without rasterizing the layer which defeats the purpose. I also do not or cannot find the ‘convert to smart filter’ option under filters… any help asap would be greatly appreciated… I could possibly mickey mouse my way to achieving the rest of the effects, but would like to stick to the tutorial… Thanks!!!

    I’ve got the same problem…is there a workaround for this.

  15. Gisèle Massie 28 January, 2011 at 12:49 Reply

    Hello Corey,

    My Retro document is awsome! I love it! For the time being, I am just following your orders, but it all makes sens to me, and I know that I’ll be able to use all of that in the near future in other documents. Thanks to you.


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