Quick Tips

Instant Artistic Effectâ”Just add Edge Vignette

Anyone can take a picture and give it more of an artistic feel using vignetting. In the Lens Correction dialog (Filter>Distort>Lens Correction), there is a setting called Vignette that's used to correct problems with lenses that darken the edges of a photograph. It can also be used to add vignetting to a picture for dramatic effect. Drag the Vignette Amount and Midpoint sliders to the left. In a few seconds, your picture will look just like the pros.



  1. Eric Booth 17 February, 2009 at 10:52 Reply

    As much as I love the vignette I think it is becoming way overused, myself included. Seems like now days every photo has that effect applied to it. It just feels like that is the only way to get any comments or reaction to a photo is to add some vignetting to the photo. I’m gonna head out today and do a walk around shoot and when in post I promise to not add even the smallest amount of vingetting to any on my pictures. Man this is going to be tough.

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