Filter Forge 4 Professional

Create Realistic and Abstract Filters and Effects
The long-awaited fourth version of Filter Forge is now available and loaded with new features that make it better than ever. For those who aren't familiar with the product, Filter Forge is a plug-in for Photoshop that allows you to create your own filters without programming them. There's also a free online library of more than 10,000 user-created filters. On top of that, Filter Forge is more robust with the flexible filter manager, support for component grouping and loop operations, fantastic filters, and much more.
The new filter manager helps organize, manage, and back up user-created filters. The single My Filters location for user-made filters has evolved into multiple filter storages that are mapped to physical folders on disk. It also adds multiple user-defined Favorites folders, and a revamped filter search list.
With the new Groups component, the user is able to easily create complex filters by packaging the reusable parts of the filter tree into custom components with definable inputs and parameters.
For those of you who are not into writing code (like me), Filter Forge has you covered with the Loop component. The Loop component brings nested loops and recursions (two key concepts of programming) into the visual environment and lets you render the results into a single image.
With the new features and endless possibilities, Filter Forge 4 is well worth the investment if you're looking for more creativity in your work. With more than 10,000 filters in the online library, you're sure to find what you need but, if you can't, then create your own and share it with the world. There's a 30-day trial, and it's also available in Basic and Standard editions, as well as a subscription with quarterly payments for the Professional edition.
Company: Filter Forge
Price: $399
Rating: 5
Hot: Tons of filters and effects; ability to create your own