Contest Submission Ends Today | Book of the Week
The clock is ticking! You have until midnight tonight to get those submissions in for the Learn It/Do it/Win It Design Contest exclusively here on Planet Photoshop. The big prize for this one is a full pass to Photoshop World. Plus it’s a great way to see what you and many others did with the same material. So don’t miss out! Tick tock, tick tock…
Scott Kelby just recently released his Photoshop CS4 Book for Digital Photographers. Ok, well we all knew that but did you also know that he has a special batch of limited edition spiral bound versions of this invaluable resource. Due to numerous request, these spiral bound versions are available for a very short time and in limited quantities, and is only available here. As a bonus, all spiral copies will be signed by the author himself. Check it out here.