Open in Camera Raw from Bridge
You can open RAW images in Camera Raw right from Bridge in Photoshop CS3. This frees up Photoshop to continue working on your files while they're being processed in Camera Raw. Just select one or more images in Bridge, Control-click (PC: Right-click) on them, and choose Open in Camera Raw. This will open the image(s) in Bridge's Camera Raw rather than Photoshop. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Command-R (PC: Ctrl-R).
Can’t open Camera raw from bridge
Cs2 was reinstalled from other computer,with
no Bridge working….would this affect the CS4??
In Bridge CS4 I could right-mouse click on an image and see the option to ‘open in camera raw’, until a few days ago. Now that option doesn’t show. How do I bring it back? Thanks.
I have the same problem as Mitch, the open in camera raw option is not showing up anywhere.
I have just installed CS6 because of a problem I have in CS5 – i.e. I can’t open images in Camera Raw from Bridge (message comes up “Bridge’s parent application is not active. Bridge requires that a qualifying product has been launched at least once to enable this feature”) – and it’s the same in CS6! – I have opened Photoshop in both cases but this does not help
Hope you can help
There have been numerous queries about this ‘error’ (when trying to open a picture in camera raw from Bridge), with numerous suggestions, which as far as I am concerned none works. I have CS5.
I haven’t found an answer either – WAIT – but I have found a way around it.
Open any picture in camera raw – yes you can do this from mini bridge: right click on the picture and click on ‘open in camera raw.
Then use CTRL K, which opens the camera raw preferences.
At the bottom under JPEG and TIFF handling you will find the default setting which says:
‘Automatically open all supported JPEG’s with settings’. (same with TIFFS).
Change this to ‘Automatically open all supported JPEG’s’ (without the ‘with settings’).
Now from Bridge when you click on open, or simpler just double click on a picture, it will open in camera raw.
The only ‘con’ is that you now cannot open a picture directly in photoshop – it will always open in camera raw, but this is not a problem: from camera raw just click on ‘open picture’ to go to photoshop.