EffectsPhotoshop 3D Logo Effects Corey shows you how to turn a 2D graphic into a 3D logo with edge effects. Aaron Westgate October 11, 2010 29
EffectsPhotoshop Abstract Backgrounds Create a cool background to display your images on. Aaron Westgate October 4, 2010 11
EffectsPhotoshop Creating Depth of Field Corey shows you how get a realistic depth of field effect using Photoshop CS5 Extended’s 3D features. Aaron Westgate October 1, 2010 11
EffectsPhotoshop Nondestructive Mask Effects Corey demonstrates how you can achieve a cracked texture effect using masks and layer styles. Aaron Westgate September 20, 2010 20
EffectsPhotoshop 3D & Football Corey kicks off the football season with another cool technique using 3D in Photoshop CS5 Extended. Aaron Westgate September 10, 2010 7
EffectsPhotoshop Hollywood Effects Corey shares some cool Hollywood graphic effects inspired by a recent movie trailer. Aaron Westgate August 13, 2010 20
EffectsPhotoshop Dimensions of Time Corey demonstrates how you can create multidimensional text from a single text layer. Aaron Westgate August 5, 2010 12
EffectsPhotoshop Lightning Brush Effects Corey shows you how to create a lightning brush and use it to create interesting effects. Aaron Westgate July 27, 2010 20