If you need to still use Photoshop while you’re automating Bridge tasks don’t use the Mini Bridge to open Camera Raw files. There are two versions of Camera Raw in your system: the one that comes with Bridge CS5 and the one that comes with Photoshop CS5. Browsing a file in Bridge, you can right click and open that file in Camera Raw. However, if you right click and open a file in Camera Raw, the Bridge that is being opened is the one inside of Photoshop rather than the one inside of Bridge.
Is that last sentence correct? Based on what I’ve experienced regarding opening Raw files from Bridge… Double-clicking a raw file from within Bridge will, by default, launches the Camera Raw dashboard within Photoshop. Right-clicking a raw file and selecting “Open in Camera Raw” launches the Camera Raw dashboard from within Bridge. I think I learned this from a previous Tip on this site.