I just want to first send out a big congrats to all of our US olympians who are all doing a fabulous job over in London. One of the things I love about the Olympics, aside from the events, is the visuals. Everything form the opening ceremony, the architecture, the people, and the graphics.
I especially enjoy the broadcast motion graphics that are created for such high profile events like this. I was especially drawn to the NBC Olympics logo. I could obviously see that It was created in a high end 3D app like Cinema 4D or Maya, but I just could not help but wonder if something like that could be achieved solely in Photoshop using 3D. So I most definitely had to give it a go and I have to say the results are pretty close. Despite a few limitations, I was actually able to get most the same look.
I decided to record the process and post it as a time-lapse so you can see, from the beginning what can be achieved using just Photoshop. Enjoy!
As much as I enjoyed the time lapse, I would love to have a tutorial for the same graphic. Not the readable tutorials that this site has turned into, but the old fashioned Corey video tutorials that I used to come to this site for. Sadly, I rarely even visit anymore.
After some years of following this site I’ve all but given up on it now. Like other s have said, all I get now is a blank white area where the video/detail should be. I’ve tried different PCs, with different Windows OS’s, versions of IE etc – nothing! Is it an IE thing. No one has responded to others with this issue. PLEASE just let me know . . . I DID like this site
Thats amazing! how long did it take you to complete?
Well done! You are superb.
I love what and how you did that. Would you be able to post the PSD file?
i dont understand why this video is posted here as tutorial.
imagine if you could take the time to maybe cut the video in 2 or 3 parts, explaining what you are doing in real speed, not in 150mph, so you actually can teach someone.
Corey you’re the man!!!
Nice! – you sure that was time-lapse?
Awesome! I can see why you could do a tutorial on it. How about using 3D and video to create graphic motion video, like a clip of the logo revolving into place that you could use for a trailer?
Faster than Usein Bolt !!!! 😀
Ok and now in slow motion please ha!ha! :o))))
On my next life i wish to be good as you :o)
Congratulation to all Olympians.
That is amazing!!!, would be great if this is released as a 3D series tutorial
Dear Corey Barker
You are an incredible and creative Master.
I love your wonderful work. I am speechless… Amazing!!!
I am learning with you a lot of things, since 2008, most of the times from Kelbytraining.com
Thanks for sharing with me your talent.
Ernesto Esteves
I was contemplating on subscribing to NAPP but is this what you guys get as tutorials. UNLESS this is reposted as a TUTORIAL I am holding my subscription. Is Corey serious about his post? I don’t care if it takes 2 or 3 parts for 4 hours, please give the forum peoples worth of money and time spent on this site.
This suck! where are the vids tutorials.
What happened to the good old Corey Barker tutorials? The 10-15 minutes of relief when the daily grind of working way to much was getting in the way of my creative endeavors. This used to be my go to site whenever I needed inspiration. Now, with all due respect to Mrs. Snyder, the learning curve has come to an abrupt stop.
Corey, please bring back your old style of tutorials. The whit and craftsmanship you bring to this site is irreplaceable. To be honest, I miss you man …
Warm regards from a place far far away.
The end result is nothing you can’t do in Illustrator or photoshop given you understand the physics of objects(shadows, reflections, etc) I just don’t think I would want to learn 3D with all of its panels. I know some of it is cool but I still think most of it can be done in illustrator and/or regular photoshop.
When is Planetphotoshop bringing back the old Corey Barker and his AWESOME video tutorials!?!?!
Man, the way Corey took the time to show step by step videos of HOW to do it, was what I needed. I miss that.
The other presenters are great, but Corey was COREY!!!!!!!!!!
Please bring those tutorials back!
Neat idea Cory. This really shows off what you can accomplish in PS CS6 if you know what you’re doing. Wow, there seems to be a lot of takers posting comments on this video. C’mon guys, do you really expect everything for free? Yeah, you probably do. Oh well, speaking for myself, I really liked this video and I have learned a lot from Corey in his D&DT for Designers book and the Kelby Training videos. I personally was happy to pay for both. Keep up the great work.
I love this tutorial, but I miss Corey’s slower and explained tutorial. You need to bring Corey back every week. This site is kind of boring without Corey’s video tutorials