
Upgrading from Photoshop 7

If you are using Photoshop 7 and you want to upgrade to the newest version of Photoshop. You need to hurry and upgrade by October 15. According to John Nack’s blog, Adobe will only allow upgrading up to three versions back. So to upgrade to Photoshop CS3 you would need CS2, CS, or Photoshop 7. When CS4 is released Photoshop 7 will no longer qualify. So check on that and make sure your version qualifies. Don’t wait, October 15 is closing in.

Also for you Illustrator users out there, I have a new tutorial on applying photos to 3D shapes over at the Layers Magazine website. Click here to watch and enjoy!



  1. Márcio Guerra 7 October, 2008 at 19:14 Reply

    Hi! My opinion regarding this problem is that, even with all that «cool free stuff» Adobe is giving us, they still be a huge source of capitalism. I have a Photoshop 6 version, and, perhaps, I can no longer update it, according to this rule. Why don’t they still sell those programs, those versions? I can only buy now the CS3 and further the CS4, and I think that it is not fair. I don’t have the amount they ask for those programs, those same new versions, better yet, but still don’t sell those older ones. I wouldn’t mind buying CS3, or even CS2 in some time from now, still buying an upgrade, right, but, no, I have to buy the specific one that they want to sell. If I go to a car stand I can buy a used car, but with them there are no used software, or at least, older software… No… Just state of the art software, and, with each version a lot of bucks, and, hey, Corey, from what I have seen, here on Planet Photoshop, if I am not mistaken, in some comments like this one, pleople like me saying that they won’t upgrade to CS4, just CS5 or later, because a 18 month window between CSs is too short for the amount they ask.
    I imagine that you, beeing some one with a «status» to preserve, have your own reservations regarding this subject, but, hey, I feel sad, to not say worse, when I got to think about this issues, this money issues! At least for me, in Portugal, the amout is huge, specially for a student. I know that there are student versions, but even though anyway, we have quite smaller paychecks than you in US or even in other Europe countries…
    «Oh, economy, how much do you force us…»

    Sorry for the big comment…

    Keep up those nice tutorials… And sorry again!

    Márcio Guerra

  2. John 10 October, 2008 at 09:40 Reply

    I’ve upgraded my copy of PS7 to PS CS3 – does that mean that I’ll qualify for a free PS CS4 upgrade when it’s released?

  3. Erik 14 October, 2008 at 17:33 Reply

    “I have a Photoshop 6 version, and, perhaps, I can no longer update it, according to this rule. Why don’t they still sell those programs, those versions? I can only buy now the CS3 and further the CS4, and I think that it is not fair.”

    I think Adobe’s idea is that it wishes to keep the people who qualify for the (lower priced) “upgrade” version limited to those who have recently purchased the Adobe product in question, this time Photoshop. Why? I think it’s pretty clear that Adobe is simply trying to make more profit on their end. By making you, Márcio, now have to buy the “full” version of CS4, they will have earned far more than what they would have after selling you the cheaper “upgrade” version.

  4. william 13 March, 2010 at 22:31 Reply

    if i have a pc that uses photoshop 7 and i wish to purchase photoshop cs4 and put on the same pc, can i have 2 versions of photoshop on the same pc?

    until i get the hang of cs4, i want to be able to have photoshop 7 still usable.

    any idea if this is possible?

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