The Best Mag Anywhere
If you are a Photoshop user, (and you must be if you are at this site), then you probably have heard of Photoshop User magazine. If you haven’t heard of it, then you must have a look. This is the official magazine of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and it is loaded with the coolest techniques anywhere. It’s all the good stuff and nothing else. There are really cool tutorials, right within the first few pages. I write the Classic Photoshop effects column and the occasional Down & Dirty Trick. This publication is included with a NAPP membership or can be purchased at major newsstands everywhere. Click for here for more info and an interactive preview of the magazine and click here for more info on the NAPP.
Seems like you are preaching to the choir here. Photoshop User is one of those magazines that I read front to back, including the advertisements. Great investment!
Yes’sir, Photoshop User rocks!
I noticed a fellow photographer here in town used Corey Barkers picture to advertise his retouching business. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know Corey and it doesn’t help that he’s a shady businessman (just my opinion)
If anyone would like me to forward the email I received from the photographer, just let me know.
So please tell me where are the bookstands that I can buy Photoshop User Magazine? Are we talking just about the USA or can I get it here in the UK?