
Planet Presents: NAPP Image of the Week

So we thought we would shake things up around here at Planet Photoshop by bringing you up-to-date not just with general industry news but also what’s happening over at the mother ship site. I am, of course, speaking about the NAPP Member site. If you are a NAPP member you are no doubt aware of the invaluable resource this site is. If you are not a member then stay tuned. We are going to be bringing you updates from other sources involved with NAPP to give you a taste of what’s happening in the NAPP world. We will have news and tutorials from the Photoshop guys themselves and other stuff form NAPP’s Executive Director Larry Becker plus much more!

Speaking of Larry, one of his many duties and NAPP Director is coordinating the NAPP Image of the week. All NAPP members can create their own portfolio page hosted by the NAPP. This is a chance for members to show off their work to other members. Every week Larry goes through and selects a several images to be judged for image of the week. This week we want to congratulate Scott Micale for being selected for image of the week (Pictured Above). Six other photographer’s images were selected for Editor’s Choice. They are John Maynard, Glenda Cherry, Julie Fennell, Sara Wall, John Steele, and Cindy McDaniel. A big congrats to all you for producing such inspiring images. You can view these images and more by visiting the NAPP portfolio page by clicking here.

Click here for more information on becoming a NAPP member.


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