Photoshop World Not Far Away!!!!
Hi gang!!! Well I hope we are all set to have a good weekend. I just wanted to share a couple things.
First thing is Photoshop World. It’s getting close. That’s right we are just over a couple weeks away from 3 days (4 if you count pre-con day) of nothing but Photoshop Madness in Las Vegas. Photoshop+Las Vegas=AWESOME!!!! I am very excited this time around because Dave Cross and I are hosting a new pre-con called Shoot, Design, Print: Creating a Movie Poster from Start to Finish. This is the type of class I would pay top dollar for because we don’t just give you the images, you will shoot them right in the classroom with a live model and then work those into a cool movie poster design right inside Photoshop. It’s essentially a full design workflow from start to finish. I also have a new session called Exploring 3D where we will have some fun with the new 3D features in Photoshop CS4 Extended. Also reprising my Illustrator Down & Dirty Tricks, as well as Photoshop for Designers. I also have may have a special little presentation in the Expo, but that will be a surprise. Click here for more info on Photoshop World and go here to see a full class list.
Also don’t forget to check out the other events at Photoshop World like the Tech Expo. Always showcase of the coolest stuff out there. The Expo is even open to the public for one whole day. Click here for more info on getting a free expo pass. Then there is the big after hours party featuring Big Electric Cat which is always a blast. Not to mention Midnight Madness. This is just two hours of silliness!!! No training! No Photoshop! Just fun, games, give-aways, and big laughs for all. Also did I mention that some of the best Photoshop instructors in the world will be there as well. This is the time to have all your questions answered. Even I manage to corner a few instructors and pick their brains on techniques and such. Networking, baby!!! It’s all there!!!! Hope to see you there. Viva Las Vegas!!!!!
Thanks for these articles! Very interesting