Inspiring Site
As an artist I am always on the lookout for things that inspire me. Whether it’s a website, magazine, movie, TV show, or whatever. There is a world of ideas out there. Here is a link to a site I discovered a few months ago. It’s called and is an Australia based design company that specializes in creative retouching and 3D. I immediately bookmarked it because it has a huge gallery of really interesting composites created using Photoshop and even some 3D stuff. It is a really inspiring collection of images demonstrating what can be done with Photoshop, photography and a little creativity. I refer to this site often. Not necessarily to get ideas but to put my mind in a creative state by seeing what is possible. Each image has a brief description of the project and in some cases has multiple or alternate images of the same technique. Sometimes it gives me that creative jumpstart I need when tackling a new project. Check it out! What about you? Do you have a site or something that inspires you. Comment on this post and share it with us.
Hey man, Glad you posted a link to this site. There are some really cool retouching effects and techniques on the site. I actually bookmarked it myself. You should have some classes on techniques like these. There are currently no great resources for commercial photography compositing techniques. You did something really cool a while back that really stuck out to me in that regard, called “Building a Composite.” If you could make a class with just those kind of techniques, that would be sick.
Some sites that really stand out to me are as follows: (the most profound commercial interior/exterior retouching I’ve ever seen, very stylish, very modern photographs of luxury hotels and architecture). (Jill Greenberg has an amazing vision as a photographer with both the way she lights her subjects, and the commercial retouching that she applies to them. There’s a mystique about her work that I really like) (Commercial advertising photography, they have a great automotive retouching portfolio) (Really cool commercial portraits. He combines HDR backgrounds and a portrait (usually a 3 light setup) and composites them together for a really cool look).
Thanks for posting Corey! Have an awesome weekend 🙂
WHOAH, some really cool stuff, very inspiring.
Hi, just wanna say that u are my inspiration, because of u i started studying media in Norway. Wondered if u wanted to visit my site and see my progress, maybe coment?
Greetings from Norway
really cool stuff thanks
العاب موضة
thanksfor the sharing infornmatnion
Thanks very inspiring.
and many thanks Corey for such a great site I have now know so much more then i ever did about a photoshop.
some really cool stuff, very inspiring.