
Free Presets for Lightroom!!

Jack Davis, co-author of the Photoshop WOW! and and How To Wow: Photoshop for Photography has teamed up with onOne Software to release a free set of Develop presets for Photoshop Lightroom. This is a sizable collection of presets varying from basic tonal correction to B&W conversion and vignetting. Since they are presets, you can modify the settings once you have applied them. Not only that, it’s a great way to really get familiar with how Lightroom works. Just apply a preset to different images and then study the settings for each. It’s definitely worth checking out. For more info and to download the free presets go here.



  1. ed hoffman 13 May, 2008 at 17:34 Reply

    I am requesting jack davis presets for cs3. I cannot locate them in photoshop.com. I attended the seattle conference yesterday.

    Thanks, ed hoffman

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