Bringing Back Those Cropped-Away Areas
When you’re using the Crop tool (C) to crop images, you’ll find that you actually have some options on how the area you’re cropping away is handled after the crop. For example, in the Options Bar (as long as you’re not on the Background layer) you’ll see an option that lets you either Delete the cropped areas or simply Hide them from view (in other words, the areas are still there, they just expand out into the canvas area). If you choose the Hide option, it crops the image window down to the size of the crop, but since the cropped-away areas are still really there, you can use the Move tool (V) to drag these cropped areas back into view.
I would like to know if its possible to use the crop tool and after I have cropped with the hide option by dragging out the size of the crop I want (in this case would be the entire area) and then letting go of the mouse button and grabbing a corner handle to drag out to reclaim some of the previously cropped image. I understand the information is still there. Just hidden. But can I add that back into the image? Is that totally confusing??? LOL sorry if it is.