Corey shows you how to create a 3D animation form 2D elements using Photoshop CS4 Extended. Click here to download a .MOV file with the final version of this animation.



  1. Ann 6 February, 2010 at 03:29 Reply

    thanks Corey, I specially like the ‘defringe’, that will give so much better result then ‘select – modify-contract’ which I always used to get rid of that halo.
    And off course your very wll explained animation!

  2. Muhammad 7 February, 2010 at 06:39 Reply

    I want to see the ‘Bird.psd’! Or the .mov at least.. I think it was even greater than this that you kept it for another event or regular tutorial in a regular day!

    Best wishes

  3. Muhammad 7 February, 2010 at 15:31 Reply

    OK, sorry for interfering with things not of my business.

    Just a question, do you have any plans to upgrade to PS CS5 once it’s available? Do you (for example) have any insider info?
    Just curious about your thoughts..


  4. Salvador Rossi 9 February, 2010 at 04:52 Reply

    Corey…im a huge fan of your site and all the wonderful tutorials. I just dont think Photoshop has a place within the professional 3D graphics world. This is a good tutorial hands down, but it will never compare to After Effects or other software packages. I see the Photoshop 3D integration as a stepping stone into After Effects, but not a standalone. Maybe because I am old follower of Photoshop w/ traditional 2D art.

  5. Sheryl 16 February, 2010 at 20:56 Reply

    Wow! As always, I find the extra little tips at least as useful as the overall lesson. Like Ann commented, I’ll get a lot of use out of “Defringe.”

  6. Ray Lewis 23 February, 2010 at 10:36 Reply

    Thank you for your help with potoshop im vary dislexic and have vary hard time reading ,
    or typing .With out your turtoril wood not makeing tshirts.
    thankyou Ray lewis

  7. Jen 17 March, 2010 at 17:53 Reply

    Very cool stuff Corey. I enjoy watching your tutorial’s, you make it easy.

    Working on an art project for my nephew and I love that football field background. Any
    chance you can send that to me? Nephew loves U of M so I’m hoping to manipulate it
    to look like U of M stadium and my own anime characters in front playing football.

    Jen, Michigan
    PS. Had no clue about 3D effects in Photoshop, thanks.

  8. Lucy 26 March, 2010 at 06:36 Reply

    For Angel:
    Edit – preferences – performance – mark “Enable OpenGL drawing” – ok
    For Mr.Corey:
    THANKS for your tutorials!

  9. Harry 23 March, 2011 at 17:29 Reply

    Great tutorial.

    but what do you do after you have completed your animation?
    how do you render it to be a movie?

    Thanks 🙂

  10. DancingKim 11 May, 2011 at 05:08 Reply

    Hello, i’m a professional dancer. i’d like to see to make a showreel with regard to my promotions. I also desire to use some animation. Can someone suggest me an excellent animation studio, but not really very expensive? I’m here for 3 months for a tour.

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