
Adobe Releases Photoshop Express

Adobe has finally released the much-anticipated Photoshop Express. It’s the new web-based image editor that provides some basic correction tools, remote storage, and interactive galleries for your digital photos. No, this not a complete online version of Photoshop. It simply brings the very best tools for image correction and makes them available to anyone with an internet connection. The interface is very intuitive and I think you will find it a lot of fun. The best part is that you can upload your images, correct them, set up an online gallery and then access these from any computer with an internet connection. Just log into your account and Blammo! Signing up is free, so what are you waiting for. Oh, and to get you started off right, my buddy Matt Kloskowski has put together a free online training center covering all these new features. Go forth and enjoy!



  1. Joe O'C 28 March, 2008 at 09:49 Reply

    I tried it and I was not impressed. It reminded me more of Google’s Picasa than of Photoshop. I guess the sharing aspect with all of the sites is good but I tend to use Kodak which is built into Bridge for that purpose.


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