Vibrance Eyes
Bring excitement and pumped up color to your subject’s eyes by adding a Vibrance adjustment layer from the Adjustments panel (Window>Adjustments). Move the Saturation slider all the way to the left until it reads 100 and everything turns grayscale. In the Masks panel (Window>Masks), click the Invert button and the image returns to normal. Grab the Brush tool (B) and paint on the layer mask with white over the irises of the eyes turning them to grayscale. Now drag the Saturation up to 0 then increase the Vibrance until the irises dance.
Hey Corey,
that brought me to a nice way to create a “realistic surrealistic” image 😉
Take a photo of a person (I tried it with a photo of a top model only face view)
duplicate the background layer(ctrl/cmd + j)
add “hue/stauration” to the copied layer and turn the hue to -100
merege the adjustment and the copied layer down to one(you should have two layer: background + adjusted copy)
invert the copied layer(ctrl/cmd + i) and put the opacity down between 40 and 70%
i think this really looks nice!
sorry forgot to mention that after inverting you need to put the blending to overlay 😉