Quick Tips

Use the Adobe Media Gallery

Taking your files from Bridge to the Web is simple using the Adobe Media Gallery. You can simply select the images that you would like to use, and choose a Template from the top pop-up menu in the Adobe Media Gallery panel. After filling in some Style Information fields (things like your email address, some gallery text, copyright information, etc.), you can create the gallery in a folder on your computer or upload it to a website. In order for you to use the Adobe Media Gallery, you must have Bridge CS3 version 2.1, so be sure to upgrade. (That in itself is a tip.)


1 comment

  1. Marge C. Fynbo 31 July, 2009 at 16:08 Reply

    I just started using AMG, but I cannot get the file names to appear on the web page with the respective files. Could you tell me how to do this? I’ve tried checking every logical way to do this. Thanks for you help!

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