Undo A Save? That’s Impossible, Isn’t It?
This is a great trick we learned from our buddy Mike Ninness, and the first time we saw it, we said, “Hey, wait a minute, that can’t be.” Oh, but it be. It’s how to undo a Save. This is especially helpful after you’ve flattened an image, saved the file, then realized that you needed to change something on a layer. This only happens to us about every other day, and here’s the keyboard shortcut to fix it: Command-Option-Z (PC: Control-Alt-Z). Press it a few times after you’ve flattened and saved, and look in your Layers palette to see all the layers come a-rumbling right back. Pretty slick stuff.
For this trick alone, I think I love you.
WOW, thanks, you saved me!
didn’t work for me
love you!!!!!
you just saved my life.
Didn’t work for me either 🙁
Did not work for me: Adobe Photoshop Elements 15.0 🙁
Not working after opening a saved file