The Undocumented Airbrush Toggle Trick
This cool, undocumented shortcut comes from our good friend, Web wizard, and all-powerful overlord of every Photoshop keyboard shortcut known to man, Michael Ninness (author of the book Photoshop 7 Power Shortcuts, from New Riders, ISBN 0735713316). Here’s the tip: As you probably know by now, the Airbrush tool has been gone from the Toolbox since 7.0, but you can add Airbrush control to some painting tools by clicking on the Airbrush icon found in the Options Bar of most Brush tools. However, that takes a lot of trips up to the Options Bar. Ah, if only there were a keyboard shortcut that would let you toggle this Airbrush feature on and off at will. Well, there is, and thanks to Michael, we can share it here—it’s Option-Shift-P (PC: Alt-Shift-P). Makes you want to buy Michael’s book, doesn’t it?