Separating Your “Best Of The Best”
If you’ve rated some of your photos as five-star photos (the best of the bunch), aren’t there some five-star photos that are better than the others? You know, the best of your best? Of course there are, and now you can separate just those (so you can really see the cream of the crop). Here’s how: First you must view just your five-star photos, so choose Show 5 Stars from the Unfiltered pop-up menu near the top right of the Options Bar. Then Command-click (PC: Control-click) on just your best five-star images to select them. Control-click (PC: Right-click) on any selected image and choose a color from the Label submenu in the contextual menu that appears (I chose Red). That color is now tagging your best five-star images. To see just your red five-star photos, go back to the Filtered pop-up menu (it’ll change from Unfiltered to Filtered once you’ve selected an option), and choose Show Red Label. Now you’re seeing your “Best of the Best.”