
Really Bad Photoshop!

Want a good chuckle on this Monday morning? I stumbled on a blog this weekend that I am pretty sure I saw on Rod Harlan’s blog some time ago. Its called Photoshop Disaster and it is a hilarious showcase of some rather obvious and not-so-obvious Photoshop blunders. In the spirit of Jay Leno’s headlines bit, this site takes a similar approach but with images. I took a look at some of these and I am completely surprised they made it into print. Some are perhaps simple things that might have been overlooked or they might have been intentional. Which then begs the question: What were they thinking? If anything this site will make you appreciate the diligence of going over detail and getting it right the first time. While it is funny, you don’t necessarily want your stuff showing up on a site like this.



  1. Kim 20 May, 2008 at 08:07 Reply

    That actually makes me feel good! I’ve done some stuff like that in the past but hopefully will not in the future. Especially now that I’ve see it here!

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