Photo Walk: Was yours as interesting as mine?
Did everyone enjoy their photo walks? I must say it was rather interesting here in Tampa. I woke and was gearing up to leave and noticed that it was raining. Which is all too typical here in the summer, but a damper when if you are going to walk around outside for a few hours. However in true Florida style, the rain lasted just a few minutes and the sun came out. I finally made it to the walk site and met up with Matt who was rallying the walkers. I decided to give myself an assignment this time around. I thought it would be a good idea to mainly shoot textures. Being a designer and artist I can always use textures and patterns for whatever. Once I geared my brain to seek out textures, they just popped up everywhere. I wanted to share this because it was an extremely interesting observation experiment. When you out shooting you are looking for that great shot but it’s interesting when you narrow the focus of what you are looking for. By concentrating on textures, I found myself noticing things I never would have considered. When you are out shooting, most tend to look at the whole scene rather than the small details or parts that make the whole. By focusing on a specific aspect and employing some creative thinking you can achieve something very interesting. For instance, a drainage grate on the street is nothing exciting, but if you move in closer and concentrate on the shapes and patterns as they are cropped in your viewfinder. You will see elegant patterns emerge that you didn’t see before. Try it! It really is quiet interesting.
Ultimately I had a great time and got to meet some very interesting people along the way. I will be using some of my discoveries in upcoming tutorials right here on Planet so stay tuned? Again, would to here how your walk went and perhaps see some interesting images.
The walk here in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada started pretty much the same way with rain. However, the rain only got worse!
By the time we got to the restaurant we were all drenched but we still had a fabulous time.
You can check out the photos at our flickr site
I enjoyed the Philadelphia walk. I too shot textures, 1/2 the time.
Went on a great walk in Manchester, VT. It threatened rain, but luckily held off. Can’t wait to see what you’re going to do for a tutorial!
We had fun in Chicago too! Good sights and good company. The weather couldn’t have been more pleasant either. Lotsa fun!
Had a fantastic walk in Chinatown, in California, although it was hot. After the 2 hour scheduled walk, several of us decided we weren’t done, so we continued on. For 9 hours total.
More about it, and images, here:
I make it a point to shoot at least two textures on each shoot. I’m building quite a collection.
Hey Corey!
Great meeting you and Matt at the Safety Harbor walk. I managed to grab a couple of HDRs that day, but the harsh light was kind of limiting, so I didn’t get anything to write home about. Regardless, I’ll be posting my stuff to the Flickr group shortly.
By the way, that tutorial I was trying to describe to you in the coffee shop was in fact yours– it’s the one where you use the luminosity of a high-key portrait to create a mask ( Nice find, and I’ll definitely be playing around with it!
See ya,
I led the walk in Woodstock, NY and we were very lucky to have great weather and a friendly group. They shot some fine photos. Now we’re running into problems uploading them (it keeps saying ‘try later’) and some are worried that we won’t get our images in before the 7/25 deadline.
Still, a thoroughly rewarding photo walk doesn’t need prizes to be a success. The group doesn’t want to wait a year for the next one. We’re going maverick before then.
I’d really like to see a gallery of the textures you shot, as well as a future tutorial using those textures.