Quick Tips

LiveDocs to the Rescue!

Sometimes you will find that the Help feature may not offer complete assistance on a specific topic.  Documentation for software often changes and expands, and LiveDocs is Adobe's answer to this problem.  If you go to www.adobe.com/support/documentation, you can access online documentation on all of your Photoshop topics.  The good part about this documentation is that it is developed on a collaborative level, allowing the community to chime in on questions and answers to the topics at hand.


1 comment

  1. Reggie Barton 2 September, 2009 at 10:56 Reply

    I can’t stand the whole community online based docs being the “defualt” in the adobe apps. It generally leads to a lot of heated discussion and no real “answers” I miss the default being the help built into the apps. A lot of the time I’m in the field, on location, no internet access and I need just the basic answers. I wish there was a clear option to get back to basics sometimes.

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