
Perfect Layers Free Preview!

Have you heard the big news? Some of you may have perhaps heard about a new product from OnOne software called Perfect Layers. Which will allow you to bring the flexibility of using layers into Lightroom. Until now if you wanted to do something to an image and utilize layers you would have had to go from Lightroom into Photoshop. Perfect Layers save you that trip by bringing the power of layers to Lightroom. You can change blend modes, mask multiple images into a single composite using masking brushes. You can even open files you have already made into layered files in Photoshop. OnOne worked closely with Scott Kelby and developed these features specifically from a user standpoint to get the most out of using layers with Lightroom.

Well starting today you can download a fully functional public preview of Perfect Layers for free. There are a few features coming in the full version that are not in the preview like support for Bridge and Aperture but you can start playing around with the basic features and get an idea of what to expect. If you edit photos heavily in Lightroom, you will wonder how you have survived without Perfect Layers. Click here for more info and to download the free public beta!



  1. Dan McNeil 29 April, 2011 at 05:40 Reply

    Like what Perfect Layers does, but I am unable to use the masking part of the program in that my ‘new’ish laptop seems to have too weak of a video processor. Hope this is resolved by the time the final edition comes out.

  2. keerthi 2 July, 2011 at 09:37 Reply

    @Dan MacNeil…the masking part of the program is not working in my laptop as well and I am expecting this to be sorted out in the final edition..:)

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