
Google Photographer’s Conference Announced!

This history-making powered by Google’s Hangout (web conferencing) technology and the G+ platform offers collaborative mix of photography, social media, branding and networking sessions that will teach photographers how take full advantage of how to automate LinkedIn messages and whats to come on Google+, all taught by the best Google photographers, top photography instructors and social media geniuses.

You’ll experience two jam-packeddays of live photo shoots, one-on-one portfolio reviews, panel discussions andphotography workshops, including How to Host a Successful Hangout withTrey Ratcliff, Building Your Brand onGoogle+ with Guy Kawasaki, The Art ofthe Headshot with Peter Hurley and Crushthe Composition with Scott Kelby. The complete conference schedule can befound here.

The conference alsooffers the opportunity for you to take part in one of 10 photo walks being heldin and around San Francisco, led by the world’s most acclaimed photographersand instructors.

Click here to checkout a special video invitation from Scott Kelby; and dont miss your chance tosave $50 on your registration by signing up no later than April 30. With your registration youll receive a FREE copy ofGuy Kawasakis E-book What the Plus!Google+ for the Rest of Us. But youll need to act fast because space islimited!

REGISTRATION LINK:http://gpluspc.com/register/


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