Here is a cool way to use parts of you photos as abstract design elements.



  1. Bloodsuckerss 30 September, 2008 at 09:37 Reply

    Hi, these video not working in Firefox,,,, why?

    it show video is loading…….
    i wait 10min and it didnt work …… 🙁

  2. Mario 30 September, 2008 at 22:30 Reply

    ok fantastic, wow is very kool but onequestion how paint the layer? i cant do it. i dont know… i try but not is same original kolor layer

  3. Ramnish 10 October, 2008 at 07:32 Reply

    Hello Mr.Barker.This is my first ever comment to your site.
    I just want to say that hats off to you. I really appreciate your thinking and creativity from bottom of my heart.

  4. S Vincent 28 February, 2009 at 17:48 Reply

    I really appreciate the enthusiasm with which you deliver the tutorials, its infectious. Furthermore they deliver astounding insights into the workings of Photoshop, thank you.

  5. Jan 3 February, 2011 at 16:02 Reply

    You talk too fast on this tutorial. How about learning a little pacing and cadence, with some repetition for reinforcement rather than riding over the words like a freight train on a mission.

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