Contest Winners Announced!
In case you haven’t checked the contest page yet we have posted the winners of the latest Planet tutorial contest. The entries are getting more creative and it’s getting tougher to pick the winner. You can check out the winners here. The next contest will be starting in the next week or two and I am thinking this time I am going to add a little twist to it. Make sure you check back soon to find out. In the meantime, the enjoy the winning images and all the fun tutorials right here on Planet!!
Hey! I am still very excited that I won! A question…when do we receive the prizes for the contest? I am really looking forward to both the prizes and the next contest.
I am very happy that I won! A question…when do the winners receive the prizes listed? I am looking forward to both the prizes and the upcoming contest. Congratulations to all the winners!
Hey Corey what do I do if I was amongst the winners?