EffectsPhotoshop X-Men Logo With the summer movie season kicking off this Friday, Corey is using a blockbuster-inspired graphic for this week’s tutorial. Aaron Westgate May 1, 2009 19
EffectsPhotoshop Punch Through Corey breaks down a design technique that features something bursting out of the background and into the scene. Aaron Westgate April 24, 2009 25
EffectsPhotoshop More Fun with Brush Effects Corey explores further the uses and experiments you can have with brush effects. Aaron Westgate April 3, 2009 26
EffectsPhotoshop Bond… James Bond Corey reproduces the famous Bond logo in this tutorial. Aaron Westgate March 20, 2009 40
EffectsPhotoshopTools 3D Streaks In this tutorial, Corey explores the possibilities when using Photoshop CS4 Extended’s 3D tools by creating 3D streaks that wrap around each other. Aaron Westgate March 13, 2009 57
EffectsPhotoshop Dancing with the Stars Inspired by the popular TV contest, Corey breaks down how to create the graphics of this dancing show. Aaron Westgate February 27, 2009 48
EffectsPhotoshop Special Effects Text This tutorial shows a fun text effect that builds upon some previous techniques that have been posted by Corey on the Planet site. Aaron Westgate February 23, 2009 40
EffectsPhotoshop Masking with Shapes In this week’s tutorial, Corey uses clipping groups and the twirl filter to create a masking effect over his background image. Aaron Westgate February 6, 2009 14