Corey has a cool trick for creating a tracer effect using Repousse.



  1. Darren 27 March, 2011 at 05:52 Reply

    Excellent effect, and something I’m looking forward to playing with when I get a graphics card that can handle Repouse.

    Do you think a similar effect could be applied to a picture of a bird in flight, to show the flapping of the wings over time?

  2. Philip Dangerfield 11 April, 2011 at 00:18 Reply

    “using repos-ech…….. excuse me”…”i almost threw up.” haha! excellent tutorial though 🙂

  3. Armaldo (Lv. 61) 27 April, 2011 at 07:30 Reply

    Ah thanks for the tutorial corey barker….. Sorry you almost threw up. It made me go 8======================================D though. Plus some ~o ~o ~o ~o ~o. Oh boy this is a lot of cleanup. Great tutorial…

  4. sam 23 June, 2011 at 17:37 Reply

    hi corey barker i’m so happy for your professional effects. and i would like to learn me some trips of photoshop if you can .

    finaly! thank you verry much.

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